How many newsletters have you subscribed to? Can you keep up with all of them?

6 replies
Would you prefer a TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read) summary for each of them, where a summary is provided for each newsletter?


André J
Launching soon!
zero. I want a calm mind
@edgarsgriga @sentry_co Hey, did you found anything about TL;DR perhaps? :D
@eonpilot How do you 'learn' ?
André J
Launching soon!
@edgarsgriga Podcast is the most inefficient medium to learn of all mediums. Reading is the most efficient. Reading only what you need is the most optimal way to learn. So the future of AI services that can summarise to your need is going to be a game changer for learning. Like: Summarise the essentials regarding xyz in this article and how it might affect abc. etc. Podcast newsletters blogs, twitter etc has to keep creating content, so the gems in that content, the parts you need are spread out. Inefficient. The future will be like this: you will be fed top articles that you are interested in, then you a convert it to the voice you want, in the format you want. short, long medium etc. It's going to be great. Unless you enjoy the human nature of podcasts, the small talk etc. Some do. I rather just talk to my friends over beer if I want small talk tho. But we are all different of course. so podcasting has a great future. Really excited about my advisor and investors new podcast hardware and how it can improve the game. check it out: 😬 (sorry for the plug, but since we are chatting about the topic etc)
@edgarsgriga @eonpilot Thanks for the reply. Different mediums have their pros and cons. You can already read summarized content by using BingAI with its side panel. I was thinking of creating TL;DR newsletters, where it gathers all my subscribed newsletters and selects the most relevant information based on my interests. The same concept could be applied to podcasts. It's an intriguing product! Couldn't the same functionality be achieved using a mobile phone instead?
André J
Launching soon!
@edgarsgriga @edgri Yes I would definitely use such a service! You have to figure out a way to monitize it tho. One of my favourite apps is But there hasn't been any significant progress on the app since it launched 10 years ago? So a huge blue ocean for whoever takes this space.