How I got +61.1k impression on twitter

Shayan Ali
0 replies
I use to look at other people's analytics, wondering how they were able to get this much impressions. Until, I figured it out. In last 28 days I got 61.1k impressions, with 501 replies and 210 link clicks with over 15 sign ups for indiespark Here's exactly how I achieved it: - First of all people think achieving growth on social media is easy but, in reality its not. - Twitter (X) is a social platform so be social, engage with small account, give valuable answers to their questions and post regularly. - I saw an increase in impressions every time I engage a lot. - Give, give, give. Give free value to others. They will appreciate it, repost about it, increasing your reach. - I roast landing pages every once in a while (giving free value). People seem to love it they talk about me and about IndieSpark in their tweets. - Lastly, iterate on what works for you. Experiment with everything and earn followers Key takeaways: 1) Engage a lot (3-4 hours a day) 2) Give free value 3) Answer questions 4) Learn from experiments
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