How has therapy helped you juggle family & work?

4 replies
Hi, I’m looking to talk to folks who are caregivers for a relative, partner, or friend. Have you used therapy to cope with work/family stress? What came from it? Friends don’t let friends burn out. Know a colleague who cares for a disabled, elderly, or sick parent, spouse, or friend while juggling an FT/PT job. Please introduce them to me. My goal is to provide a calm self-guided therapy app that helps us recover from burnout. If you stopped doing therapy because of financial reasons or busy schedules, this app is for you! Who should I talk to first?


Ibraheem ALI
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Pam Garza
Hi Helen! Have you launched on Product Hunt yet? :D
@pamsny I haven’t launch on PH yet. But I am getting Jovial ready for a trial run during the Christmas/holiday break? Pamela, are you a caregiver or friends with one?
Ibraheem ALI
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