How do you use AI already? My top 3 use cases

Greg Rog
6 replies
I mean real work usecases, not generating images of Obama with hair ;) I use ChatGPT and Midjourney daily for work and I've engineered hundreds of prompts already. For me it's a huge time saver for creative work and for solopreneurs. Some use cases: 1. Creating and fixing copy (obvious but it works great) 2. AI assistant that recalls everything I ask her to remember 3. AI bot that runs my Zapier scenarios How about you?


Adam Gospodarczyk
4. Using GPT-3 everywhere with Shortcuts 5. Speaking with GPT-3 through my Apple Watch (and 6. Writing better prompts both for GPT-3, Midjourney and Leonardo
Gal Moran
Finding bugs and issues in my code (does not work all the time, but can help identify some issues) Also rephrasing and grammar-checking texts for various purposes
Greg Rog
Launching soon!
@gal_moran18 yeah, I'm impressed by Codex and especially how it evolves into a developer companion. I pretty much believe devs won't be replaced by AI but by their peers using AI as it's such a booster!
Nilan Saha
I usually use it for content creation. The different versions of which include copywriting, blog and ad creatives.
Greg Rog
Launching soon!
@nilans That's great and one of my favourites, too. Repurposing content for different media is such a blast!