How do you think AI will change our daily lives in the next 10 years?

Qudsia Ali
13 replies


Milli Sen
Every home will have an AI robot who can understand and help out with household chores and manage daily tasks.. every workplace will use AI agents to automate and boost productivity.
Ignas Vaitukaitis
If AI is advancing exponentially, then everything in our lives is going to change, the same way the internet changed everything.
Maurizio Isendoorn
I believe we can command AI to perform certain actions
Ryan Zhang
Launching soon!
AI will profoundly reshape our daily lives by making personalized services ubiquitous, from healthcare tailored to our genetic profiles to education that adapts to our learning speeds. It will also streamline mundane tasks, allowing us to focus more on creative and meaningful work.
Jake Tital
Absolutely. It's changing our lives today
AI will bring transformative changes from autonomous vehicles and smart homes to personalized healthcare and advanced decision-making systems!
Jeremy Kaur
AI will seamlessly integrate into our daily routines, making tasks from healthcare to transportation more efficient and personalized. Its continuous evolution will likely redefine our work, leisure, and interactions, making life more convenient and connected.
Sophia Williams
AI is poised to revolutionize daily life by automating mundane tasks and providing personalized insights, making our routines more efficient and tailored to individual needs. Expect a future where AI assistants predict our preferences and optimize our schedules, freeing up time for creativity and personal growth.
Salar Davari
So many new jobs! So many obsolete ones! And a totally new life style which might sound bizarre now!
Goktug Can Simay
Actually deep neural network algorithms with optimized hyper-parameters have alreadty changed my life. I make money from home. You can also try CryptOn for free. Use CryptOn, Turn Money On!
Aaliya Jakir
If utilized correctly, I believe AI can automate away repetitive, monotonous tasks and allow humans to focus on higher-order thinking. We already live in a world of knowledge work, but we have a lot of potential to push our critical thinking, creativity, and metacognition in our daily lives. It only happens if we value the subjective human experience. How can we use AI to help people build an enriching life for themselves? If we can keep this question in mind as we continue to innovate, then we can enable more humans to achieve self-actualization.