How do you find business partners for your startups?

Hande Karabiyik
4 replies
This is where we struggle now. We have built and launched an MVP. Now we are at a stage that we are noticing the missing pillars in our team such as a business developer or someone with a deep knowledge of the domain. We need new additions to our team to close these gaps. I think the minimum required conditions are: 1. There should be a trusting relation from the start: then maybe someone from existing friendship network - but what if we don't know anyone with that profile. 2. These people should not ask for money from the start, but should trust in the growth of our company and be happy with the shares. What are your thoughts about it? What other conditions these business partners should meet? And where and how to find them?


Mansi Trivedi
Try and make some connections. Once you talk to people you come to know a lot about them and their mindsets. Also, it's not more about the age but about the zest to build something and putting in the efforts.
Kyle DeSana
Find local meetups in your area if possible. You'd be amazed by how many groups exist (location dependent, but if you're in or near a city it should be easy to find). As far as not asking for money, the other person will have to see, believe, and be just as excited about the product as you are, and that's where good story telling comes in to play. If they aren't just as excited, I think it's totally reasonable for somebody to think, "what's in it for me?", startups are risky. In summary: - Focus on crafting and refining your story - Find people in your local area with the same interests/skills you need via, Facebook groups, X spaces, etc. Get to know them, personality fit is huge - If you meet somebody you like, share your story and your vision. They need to feel the same way about it as you do. - If you're having trouble getting people onboard with the vision, you may have to offer some other incentive or get funding
usman riaz
I guess here, you can find mentors, business associates, colleagues, etc. If I can be of any assistance to you, please let me know. I can assist with any technical aspects of product startup. Just looking to help out someone , don't worry about money.