How do you fight procrastination?

Frank Sondors
7 replies
Sometimes you end up procrastinating a lot, so how do you fight it?


Jerry Rodriguez
Fighting procrastination, ah, the eternal battle. I'd say start with breaking tasks down into smaller parts.
Plan ahead, stick to it. You can procrastinate without the guilt if the activity is a part of a plan ;)
Here are some tips to help you fight procrastination: 1. Set Clear Goals 2. Prioritize Tasks 3. Create a Schedule 4. Remove Distractions 5. Use Time Management Techniques 6. Break Tasks Down 7. Find Motivation 8. Seek Accountability
André J
Launching soon!
Im not familiar with this word. As an entrepreneur im always strapped for time. So I have the opposite problem I think. Oh wait I procrastinate some things. like migrating to Google analytics 4. Still got a few days left 😬
Elizabeth Tishchenko
Re-watching Tim's Urban Ted Talk on procrastination 😂 It's a brilliant one!
Actually increases self-awarwness
To combat procrastination, I find it helpful to break down my tasks into smaller, more achievable steps, and I create a schedule or to-do list to keep myself organized and motivated. I also set clear goals and rewards for myself, eliminate distractions by creating a dedicated work environment, and leverage techniques like the Pomodoro Technique to stay focused and maintain a productive flow.
Gloria Russell
Big believer in the Pomodoro Technique here - short bursts of focused work, then a quick break.