How do you drive traffic to your site?

Matteo Zumpano
40 replies
With we engage in a blend of paid, organic, and affiliate strategies. What do you do?


Marc Andre
Right now, I'm working on two new sites, so organic traffic is pretty low so far (normally, that's my primary method). I'm focusing on building an email list, using social media, and publishing on other platforms like Reddit and Indie Hackers.
Avital Trifsik
Content, content and then more content :)
Mehdi Djabri
@avital_trifsik any tips to be successful at this?
Pablo Roig
@avital_trifsik in which plataforms and format??
Avital Trifsik
@mehdidjabri It really depends on your domain but I would start with something consistent, If possible posting mew blog posts once/twice a week will start showing faster results. There aren't any magic tricks the basic thought you should be let by is that google loves more content and control meaning it is not only that good content matters but also all graphics (like writing a good ALT description for photos for instance) so that google knows exactly what your website is offering. I think this is a great way to start and then look at your analytics in terms of which blog post gathered more traffic or got more engagement as in clicks and go with that. Hope that helps :)
Avital Trifsik
@pabloroig_clous depends on what you are building your site on but for each vendor, there are different instructions (I know that Wix and WP have guides and case studies on how to drive more traffic). I also can say that what worked for us was the fact that we also shared our content in several communities that were relevant to our domain (Data) and also published on Medium (in that case make sure to use canonical link though)
At our startup, we focus heavily on content marketing to provide value and draw in organic traffic, complemented by targeted social media campaigns to reach niche audiences. We’re also experimenting with strategic partnerships to cross-promote services and tap into new customer bases.
Sander Kah
Blogs, content and cooperations with (tech) partners so they promote our product to their subscribers and vice versa
Debajit Sarkar
(1) YouTube videos. (2) Low competition key words. Some of these can be found when you search for something on Google, you may see these under the section called “Related Searches” once you scroll down
Maria H
Website + social media. The key factor is content.
Launching soon!
Driving traffic to your site is crucial for online success! I've found that a combination of SEO optimization, engaging content creation, and active promotion on social media platforms has worked wonders for me. What strategies have you found most effective in attracting visitors to your site?
Jamie L
At our startup, we focus heavily on content marketing and SEO to build organic traffic, complemented by strategic partnerships that align with our brand's values. It's a dynamic mix that drives engagement and helps us connect with our target audience authentically.
Malka Parveen
by content marketing
Content Marketing
Sabaat Parasad
Write guest posts for other websites or blogs in your industry. Include a link back to your website in the author bio or within the content to drive traffic from their audience to your site.
Is this posted as a part of the backlinking strategy?
Aarav Krishna
Create valuable, engaging content such as blog posts, articles, infographics, and videos that resonate with your target audience. Share this content on your website and social media platforms to attract visitors and encourage them to explore further.
Indiana Joshi
Utilize social media platforms to promote your website and engage with your audience. Share your content regularly, interact with your followers, and participate in relevant communities and discussions to drive traffic back to your site.
To attract people to your website, share it on social media, use keywords, create quality content, and engage with your audience.
Dennis Harris
Create a blog and consistently publish high-quality content that provides value to your audience.
Alvaro Villalba Perez
Great content in distributed channels
Right now we're focusing on guerilla marketing by placing stickers around various cities. In your experience @matteo_zumpano, what has been the most effective strategy for so far? (PS obligatory shill to our early access waitlist
Anastasia Liamets
With we mostly focus on organic like social media like X and Linkedin. As a next step, we want to produce more content for the blog.