How do you discover or search for new tools and products?

Vlad Zivkovic
16 replies


Geri Máté
I google my problem
Tin Chung
Product Hunt 😅 Actually, I use an extension called Daily Dev and everyday it throws me bunches of developer tools and I just give them a shot
Dale Castro
I discover new tools and products by following thought leaders, subscribing to newsletters, and browsing product discovery websites.
Oleg Eltsov
Product Hunt + Twitter.
Harris Cheng
Product Hunt, newsletters, linkedin and Insta!
Nina! Found a huge amount of good products there that I wouldn't have learnt about elsewhere. Also, surprisingly, Substack works great for that too :)
Stephen Walker
Dive deep into communities like IndieHackers, ProductHunt, and HackerNews.
You basically no need to search because nowadays multiple platforms are there which works as aggregator, however, we also make and integrate new tools time to time on our platform (Productive AI, Seo, Writing, Social media & Marketing Tools), however our platform is not an aggregator but an all-in-one platform.