How do you approach achieving the coveted #1 spot on Product Hunt?

saleh ahmed
2 replies
Our strategy for Doplac CRM, aiming for the #1 spot on Product Hunt revolves around a few key pillars: User-Centric Design: We prioritize user experience and feedback. Every feature and update is meticulously crafted based on user needs and preferences. Engagement & Community: We actively engage with the Product Hunt community, seeking feedback, answering queries, and fostering a sense of belonging. Building relationships is as crucial as showcasing our product. Innovative Features: Continuous innovation sets us apart. We strive to introduce unique and impactful features that captivate users' attention and solve their pain points effectively. Pre-Launch Buzz: Creating anticipation before the launch is vital. We leverage social media, teasers, and partnerships to generate excitement and curiosity about our upcoming release. Transparency & Authenticity: We believe in transparency. Sharing our journey, challenges, and successes authentically resonates with the Product Hunt audience. These pillars guide our efforts as we push for the #1 spot on Product Hunt. Our dedication to creating an exceptional product and fostering a supportive community propels us toward that goal!


Shajedul Karim
it's a blend of strategy and community engagement. first, nail your product's story. make it clear, compelling, relatable. launch day's crucial. get your network ready to support. spread the word. engage with every comment. be active, responsive, part of the conversation. think about timing. when's your audience most active? it's not just about the product, but how you present it, and how you interact.
Chris Lester
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