How do I get first set of users for my new product?

Deepak Gupta
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Before we get to the main problem, I would like to give a brief summary and history about the project. I have been working on my project (Product Hunt: with a simple vision of making a content consumption platform. What is a Content Consumption platform? In a few words it is a platform for users to save and consume content from any source. In other words an advanced Bookmark Management application that focuses on taking action on saved content instead of just saving and organizing. Why do people need a Content Consumption platform? Some of the reason people may want to use the platform * Pushing content to the platform allows users to take Notes, create Summary, and utilize AI to ask Questions (can add further enhancements) * Organize and Save content for future reference * Finding of content becomes easier with full text search Discover content that is similar to you interest * Consume content in an interface that is familiar to you. For example if you want to read recipes for making a dish from multiple sites, it may be easier if you are able to view the content organized in the same way across sites instead of trying to navigate different interfaces. * and more Now getting to my main questions. 1. The product is in the beta phase that I have built by investing my own money. I am trying to get initial feedback from users to make sure that product is a market fit. How can I get test users without spending more money? 2. I am in a dilemma if I should continue to spend based on my own use case or get feedback before continuing to spend my time and Money. Any thoughts or recommendations are much appreciated.
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