How are startups and small teams conducting performance reviews?

3 replies


Stacey Bloom
User feedback on the Ibotta app has been a real breakthrough for our business. We utilized the positive feedback in our marketing, which greatly increased trust in our product. We also scrutinized Ibotta reviews to find out what users value most and implemented these changes into our product. We've had an increase in app downloads and improved our app's ranking in the app stores.
Gurkaran Singh
Hey there, Gurkaran Singh here! As a fellow tech enthusiast who has dabbled in various industries, including startups and agencies, I can totally relate to the challenges of conducting performance reviews with small teams. In my experience, using a combination of data-driven insights and open communication has been key. Tools like performance tracking software and regular one-on-one check-ins can help streamline the process and provide valuable feedback to team members. And let's not forget the importance of keeping things human - after all, behind every line of code or circuit is a person with their own unique strengths and areas for growth. So here's to finding that perfect balance between data science and empathy in conducting performance reviews! 🚀✨'
@thestarkster well said, Gurkaran! just curious, do you use any specific apps currently for your teams? if yes, what are some apps that you believe have been really helpful in tracking and building cadence for performance feedback? My observation is that a lot of existing softwares are built for large enterprises and makes the entire performance review process more of a SOP rather than an actual platform to engage on feedback and career growth. A lot of times when employees use these softwares, they look at it as a chore rather than a crucial part of their day to day tool like slack, or jira.