Hi I am Nikhil Here is My Question below

Nikhil Sharma
3 replies
How can AI-based SaaS products provide user training and support that is accessible to non-technical users and makes it easy for them to get started?


Umar | SaaS Guy
AI-based SaaS products can provide user training and support through intuitive interfaces, step-by-step tutorials, and personalized recommendations based on the user's behavior. Additionally, offering a comprehensive knowledge base with FAQs and video tutorials can help non-technical users easily get started with the product. And don't forget about providing responsive customer support to address any questions or issues that may arise!
Nikhil Sharma
@heyumarkhan that's interesting additionally what if we can provide some video call support for knowledge and training?
Harshvardhan Mishra
@heyumarkhan @imnikhill10 Great point made Umar, even interactive demos which are a guided walkthrough of the product help. We at Storylane power up customers like Gong to enable this. Here's the example: https://www.gong.io/tour-confirm...