Hey all, update about Cryptogalaxy app.

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Cryptogalaxy is an open source app which will get any cryptocurrencies ticker and trade data in real time from multiple exchanges and then saves it in multiple storage systems. Currently supported exchanges : FTX, Coinbase Pro, Binance, Bitfinex, HBTC, Huobi, Gateio, Kucoin, Bitstamp, Bybit, Probit, Gemini, Bitmart, Digifinex, AscendEX (total 15). Currently supported storages : Terminal Output, MySQL, Elasticsearch, InfluxDB (total 4). GitHub link : https://github.com/milkywaybrain/cryptogalaxy Please use it for your purpose (price dashboard, metrics calculations, algo trading etc anything) and let me know both positive and negative feedback! P.S I just created a fun twitter bot using the app. Please check it out. Twitter bot link : https://twitter.com/moon_or_earth Thanks, have a nice day!
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