Here is a list of all the stuff I am giving away for free for Indie Hackers, developers & designers.

Michael Andreuzza
9 replies
Here is a list of all the stuff I am giving away for free that I have been building while learning web development. 161 Tailwind & Alpinejs components: ⏤ Free personal and podcast templates on Lexington Themes: ⏤ Astro & Tailwind CSS Open source templates: ⏤ http://astrosaas.vercel.app Tools: ⏤ http://colorsandfonts.comhttp://svgdoodles.com Figma files: ⏤ VS Code themes: ⏤ https://marketplace.visualstudio... Hope you find them helpfull, have a nice day and if you want to ask me something go ahead here or on


André J
Launching soon!
Dope stuff 🚀
Sylvain (:seel-vahn)
Great content, thanks for sharing!
Launching soon!
looks great, thanks!
Thank you Michael!
Very much appreciated! You rock. Followed on Twitter and PH
Surya Rajendhran
Whoaa these looks really good, will definitely try these