Have you got access to ChatGPT Plugins?

Ankur Singh
10 replies


Shushant Lakhyani
I think it is only available in some limited countries as of now
No, it's sad to be a poor "non-paying" user.
Daniel Moutouss
I'm still waiting. Plus user, submitted the form as soon as it came out, and still nothing. Me sad 😢
Naveen Sharma
Yes, I am using Chatonai
Pedro De la nube✪ 🧪
No, I am a free user, but I am on the whitelist.
Abhishek Jha
Yes, using #MyGPT for ChatGPT Plugins! Thanks @singh_ankur for launching this!
Richard Gao
Not yet have plugin access for evoke-app.com yet haha But once we do, we plan to make an image generator plugin and get it on MyGPT :)
Norman Dilthey
Unfortunately not yet. Have signed up for them pretty much exactly when they launched, but still waiting. Would love to use the plugins for my recently launched Whatsapp AI Chatbot: @ai_norman_