Have people stopped caring about new products because they are too distracted by ChatGPT and GPT-4?

Ashrey Ignise R
6 replies
It seems like people have stopped looking for new solutions because they think that having chatGPT at their disposal will solve all their problems. Have you noticed a lowered interest in your and your peers' products? Do you think it has little to do with your product and positioning, and more because of the AI storm?


John Koo
wow I haven't noticed this until you mentioned it. Yea I agree. AI is the hottest topic everywhere now.
John Koo
@aignise It's just another hype that will go away soon (or won't?). But it will definitely bring people with ideas and will eventually grow. As a result, it'll benefit us all.
Ashrey Ignise R
@imjohnkoo do you think it’s a good problem or a bad problem, John?