Happy Saturday, everyone! What's your go-to weekend ritual that never fails to recharge you?

4 replies


Rukhsar Amjad
Hi everyone! My go-to weekend ritual is to wake up early and go for a walk in nature. It's a great way to clear my head and start the day off right. I also like to read a book, cook a delicious meal, or spend time with loved ones. Whatever you do, make sure to take some time for yourself to relax and recharge.
Shajedul Karim
weekends, those small oases in a desert of deadlines and meetings. rituals matter. for me, it's reading. not articles or twitter feeds. a good, old-fashioned book. disconnect to reconnect. some folks swear by nature. a hike, a run. greenery over screens. oxygen over caffeine. cooking can be therapeutic too. the alchemy of turning raw into remarkable. creativity meets sustenance. others find solace in stillness. meditation, mindfulness. silence isn't empty, it's full of answers. exercise is another. endorphins are nature's antidepressants. mental gains from physical strains. friendship also fuels. nothing like deep talks over shallow drinks to realign perspectives. art for others. a museum, a gallery, or a simple doodle. engage with beauty, produce or consume. music transcends. whether creating or listening, melodies can turn dissonance into harmony. some do nothing. and that's something. sometimes the most productive thing is to relax. we're not just what we do, but how we recharge. tell me, what's your ritual?
Shokat Ali
Spending time with family