Guide-Effectively reach out to Media, Influencers and Thought Leaders to try your SaaS Product.

Tejaswini Gopalaswamy
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As entrepreneurs, marketers, brand owners we all at some point have to reach out to that journalist, influencer and “important person” to try, and review our product. You know your product is awesome, but they don’t. Here's what worked for me and I believe I made an honest connection with the people I’ve reached out to. Will they consider my ask or leave it be….doesn’t matter now, I will love and nurture what I believe in anyway. **Generate the best quality leads** - Research and make sure the person you are going to message on LinkedIn or via email is the person who already writes about products similar to yours. Read up enough of the features, and articles they’ve written to build a connection to your own product. If it isn’t matching don’t force it. Move on, someone else will be writing about the field you are keen on. **Nobody wants to know how awesome your product is** - Yep, that’s right…. no one thought Twitter was cool for a long while either. Don’t bother writing a long message about all the things your app can do, change the world, blah blah… make an honest, agenda-free connection. yep, you better be clear with that. Your intention will match your words. Reach out only if you genuinely believe you can connect and agree with said person’s views and tell them just that. At best request for them to try what you are equally passionate about and why you are reaching out. Don’t be flaky with flattery. Share an honest and genuine opinion about what they are writing and introduce your product as something that may pique their interest. **Be consistent and have a strong & rich lead funnel over multiple media platforms** - Don’t give up if the first 5 don’t even bother opening your msg, please just tell yourself to reach out to just one more lead. Trust your intuition. If it's not LinkedIn, try Twitter or Pinterest, learn how these platforms work and make a connection on their preferred platform. **Be curious and love what you are doing even when no one’s watching** - Learn about what’s new, talk, share what you’ve learnt, and don’t hold back. This could mean subscribing to newsletters, and feeds, listening to podcasts. Share a difference of opinion respectfully and with reason when you have one. **Think of why they should speak to you** - Someone once told me, the best arguments are when you think from the other’s person’s perspective. I don’t want to say “win-win” in a cliche manner, but make sure your message or interaction has something valuable for them to take away. This sometimes could be as simple as “Here is another similar xyz research paper echoing your thoughts”. **Last one, don’t chase, just be** - surround yourself in the company of people who match your core principles. Trust the people who are meant to come to you and curiously ask you, what’s that you are working on?
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