Growing Strong Product Makers mini-conference

Scott Baldwin
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September 22-24 we’re running our first mini-conference — Growing Strong Product Makers. We have some great speakers sharing their expertise on a variety of topics that can help you be a better product maker whether you are a PM, product leader, or collaborating with others working in product. Hear from: Lisa Mo Wagner - Strategic soft skills for PMs Adam Thomas - Leveraging cognitive bias in product Matt LeMay - How defensiveness kills collaboration Dan Olsen - How to define a winning product strategy Eileen Wang - Nurturing product makers among cross-functional partners Priya Bhatia - Using experiments to accelerate product growth Michael Park - From Zero to 6 product teams in 24 months Neeraj Mathur - Product and Design: How best to collaborate Moe Ali - Using user psychology for product growth We’ve focussed the days with short half-hour sessions that leave you time to balance event attendance with your workday. Registration is FREE - sign up here: Come join us and gain valuable product learnings, meet others, and head back to work feeling inspired and ready to put into action what you’ve learned.
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