Greatest marketing hack that still works and is less saturated?

Mark Lemuel M
4 replies
This question seeks to uncover unconventional yet effective marketing strategies that have proven successful but are not widely used or overly saturated in the market. It invites marketers to share innovative tactics or approaches that have yielded significant results, offering an opportunity to explore fresh avenues for promoting products or services.


My Phung
I've followed a couple of your posts now and each of them read as if you used some AI chat bot to come up with a description for your questions But I think this is an interesting question. I think people are tired of cheap media ads. I like what the Stanley cups CEO did. People like stories. When I promoted my own product I hosted a networking event for all the local project builders I know to come together to connect and eat pizza. I had a segment in the middle of the event when I pitched my product and gave everyone an invite code in the form of an origami box I manually folded. The conversion rate? Of the 30 who attended, 25 signed up! Then they went on to tell their friends
Mark Lemuel M
@my_phung yup ! I am compressing my time to make interesting topics that is probably engaging , using the gpt as description, HOWEVER, I personally make replies in each person here in PH so I can have more interaction within the platform! yes , this is a good marketing tactic also! however if your geographical location isn't fitted to your niche you must change your location to more goal oriented areas to survey an event ! yes! this IS unsaturated and I feel like this is more personal to clients if you manage to interact with them personally!
I think one great marketing hack is using affiliates in the creator space which are actually aligned with your product mission. We're hoping to use this for Smartrazor, which we launched today! I.e. this is a tool that helps YouTubers edit videos faster, so we plan to distribute via YouTubers who teach others how to video edit or do YouTube!
Mark Lemuel M
@yukioyama already supported you my brother!