GPTo or Gemini 1.5 which you like the most?

Sidra Arif Ali
7 replies
What is your most favourite feature of GPTo and Gemini 1.5….


Jabari Zuri
Personally I use GPTo but professionally I liked Gemini 1.5, and my fav feature of GPTo is on the go conversation transalation.
Sidra Arif Ali
@jabari_zuri Haha, I like your response. Yes, both of them are good at the core, and choosing 1 for professionals might be difficult.
Gemini is great for accessing @gmail, @youtube, google docs in your prompts. GPT-4o would be just good for all other tasks
Sidra Arif Ali
@mjkabir Yes, that is one great usage of Gemini, but Gemini 1.5 is capable of doing much more than that.
Tyler Scott
Personally, I'm waiting for the open source multimodal LLM. I'm thinking it might be Llama 4 when it comes out.
Moaz Ahmad
Launching soon!
The new Gemini Flash or Project Astra, that's gonna hard compete with GPT Omni
Debra Hetrick
I like Gemini 1.5 :)