Google dropped a ton of announcements at the Google I/O Conference

Henry Habib
4 replies
and one of the highlights is Veo, an AI-powered high-definition video generator. Has anyone tried it out yet? Do you think it stands a chance against Sora?


Simona O'Neill
It looks really promising !
Nataliya Trotsenko
I haven't had a chance to try it out yet, but it seems like a strong contender against Sora. Given Google's track record with AI, it could definitely give Sora a run for its money. What are your thoughts?
Henry Habib
@natalie_trotsenko I can't confirm anything since I haven't used it, but judging by the quality of the videos on Google's website, Veo looks like it could be a serious competitor to Sora AI. Funny thing is, I asked ChatGPT 4.0 to compare the two, and it recommended: "For general use and broader accessibility, Sora AI is preferable. For high-end, professional, and detailed video production, Veo is the superior choice."
André J
Launching soon!
It seems really cool. But I feat that it's that last 10% that will be the hardest to pull off.