Get an AI Dev team at $ 2900 monthly

Sudeep Bhatnagar
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We have made it "painless, easy and affordable" for startups to start building their products by offering our MVP Development Teams at $ 2900 monthly pricing! The starter Plug-and-play team offers the following: 🚀Full-time full-stack dev (Mobile, Web, AI) + Fractional PM, designer, and tester—all included! 🌐Perfect for kickstarting product development even in bootstrapped mode, or scale the team as you grow! 💪We're already empowering 20 startups like Irth (featured by Apple), HASfit (5 million users), Mediorbis to success—now it's your turn! 🏰Opportunity to build a Big Time Offshore Development Center at our 300 seater facility in Noida, India! Tech giants like TCS and NeC have trusted us to create their deep tech teams, we've the credentials and capacities to do the real big work! Know more about this offer or hire us by scheduling a short discovery call with me via . Full pricing plans here -
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