For launch, did you create a company story, alongside your product?

David F
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We typically create a matrix or messaging/storyline framework in advance of launch, so that clients can effectively promote their story not only to users, but to influencers and media. Here’s a summary of the process : 1)Research competitor messaging 2) Research industry trends and what the media and influencers are saying about our “space” 3)Hold a messaging/brainstorming session that addresses basic marketing elements (such as pain points, target markets, value proposition, etc.) 4) Incorporate market and competitor research findings to determine market “gap” 5) Then create messages and storylines ready to promote on various channels to support your launch. The process is straightforward, but time-consuming. The challenge is to dig-deep into the product and then come out with the 10,000 foot view of your market and determine positioning and the “gap” within it. Happy to discuss further or answer any questions anyone has.
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