Fitness novice ~ 6 common problems

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Are women suitable for fitness? Will the muscles become worn out? When most women mention exercise equipment, they immediately worry about getting as muscular as men. Actually, don't worry. First of all, women have less male hormones and more estrogen in their bodies, so they have poor muscle synthesis ability and strong fat synthesis ability. Second, even muscle-loading training with equipment will produce different results depending on the training method. Light weight, frequent training, not only is not easy to grow muscle, but also reduce excess fat. The thin bottom must be "gu fat" left first, and then go to the fuck? In fact, fat and muscle are two different tissues, and they cannot be transformed into each other. Even if you gain weight, you will only gain fat instead of the desired muscle. Muscle must be exercised, so thin people should start weight training and build them directly. muscle out fitness novice menu How important is it to warm up? The purpose of "warm-up exercise" is not only to stretch the various muscle groups, joints and ligaments of the body, but also to gradually increase the load on the heart and lungs and adjust the whole body's cardiorespiratory and blood circulatory system and body temperature to adapt to the later In addition to intense main exercise, it can avoid the occurrence of sports injuries and the results of muscle soreness. Jogging is the best way to warm up. The time is about 10 to 15 minutes. When warming up, you should slow down your movements and never do some sudden movements. If you are too resistant to doing GYM, your muscles will loosen and will be exposed to fat? First of all, it is necessary to understand that muscles are muscle cells, and fat is stored in fat cells. The two are not converted. Muscles will atrophy without training, and will not become fat. However, when you exercise muscles, the body's basal metabolic rate is high and consumes more calories. Usually the diet will also become larger, so when you stop exercising, the muscle shrinks and the body's basal metabolic rate is low, but the diet usually maintains the past habit, so if you take in too many calories, you will gain weight fitness novice Explain that I can't reduce my belly after doing extreme sit-up? 私人教練Point out that in fact, Sit Up does not help to reduce the belly, but doing Sit Up can keep the abdominal muscles strong and firm waist! To effectively reduce belly fat, it is most effective to rely on systematic Weight training combined with aerobic exercise!
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