FERPA and HIPAA ( How they usually apply )?

DigitalMarketing 21
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FERPA protects personally identifiable information (PII) in students’ health records maintained by an educational agency or institution. Schools can disclose FERPA-protected information only if they have consent from a parent unless an exception to FERPA’s general consent rule applies. In the case of COVID 19, the most applicable exception to consent is FERPA’s health or safety emergency exception. HIPAA applies when a school’s health services are funded, administered and operated by or on behalf of public or private health, social services, or other non-educational agencies or individuals. HIPAA prohibits the disclosure of protected health information (PHI) without consent and requires entities subject to the law to establish appropriate privacy policies to protect PHI from unauthorized disclosure. HIPAA, however, has an emergency provision allowing disclosure of PHI in certain cases. Visit:https://www.eduhealthsystem.com/
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