Feedback - Beta Testing coming soon

Chris B
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Hi everyone, we are happy to announce that GigeconoMe would shortly be ending successful months of Alpha testing and entering its BETA TESTING phase. At GigeconoMe, we are aiming to lead the shift from traditional learning experiences towards a work integrated learning (WIL) model, where student talents are able to develop and demonstrate the wide range of employability skills through academic study, work experience, and extra-curricular activities and have created a platform with non-conventional selection process to foster diversity & inclusion and develop employability skills for linear paths to good first jobs. For our beta testing phase, to get feedback and check the platform’s functionality including our smart intelligent matching technology, we are looking for University students, educators, Startups and established enterprises. If you would like to take part by helping us in this important step, please fill out the following form: Many thanks Chris
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