Favorite work-time snack?

Leena Chitnis
26 replies
What do you like to gnaw on in front of your laptops? Bonus points if it gives you sustained energy.


Leela Shankar
caffine.. but it's been mostly nicotins..
Leena Chitnis
@leelz cigarettes?? Noooooo! That's not a snack! But hey, whatever gets you through the day...
Coffee+ cookies= work paradise!
Brian Hurst
Not sure if this really counts, but coffee for sure 😅
Rose Linda
nutella with bread
Brian Hurst
@rose_linda nutella on a pretzel or cracker is pretty good too. I have to limit my nutella purchases to 1 per quarter.
Savia Salaria
Coffee, Cookies, and Lays
Sara jalildokhti
anything sweet specially chocolate with coffee on the side
Artyom Sviridov
I prefer to have a healthy homemade dinner at around 2 PM rather than some kind of snack. But I do drink a lot of tea and coffee during the working hours.
Chris Lindner
lindt lindor or ferrero rocher. Banana, grape and other fruit.
Banana or apple