Explaining the Volunteer Process - 9th company joined

Manoj Ranaweera
0 replies
We have a very long way to go. 9th and 8th customers are returnees. What's interesting here is that: - They are more organised now, having had time to think through how to get value from www.skilledup.life - We are more mature and able to support more with documentation and one-to-one help. I still don't know when we would reach that pivotal moment (the magical problem/solution fit leading to product/market fit) - when our proposition is clear - tech companies immediately understand how to leverage us Obviously to get to this point, we need: - Brand awareness (credibility) - Supporting documentation, videos, etc - Case studies - Better messaging I'm on this. If you want to join our journey and learn together, you know what to do. Merry X'mas everyone! I'm doubling down!
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