Empathy or Exploitation?

Jessica Ramirez
2 replies
What if I told you I was blind? Would you be interested in a product if you knew the maker was visually impaired? Would you expect the call to action button to scream sympathy? Or would it not matter at all? What if you were sight challenged? Would you use your disability to grow your brand, product, or online presence? When does a person’s disability become a part of the brand story, not a cheap gimmick? Where is the integrity boundary between empathy and exploitation? I ask you at PH because I have come to a fork in the road and quite honestly I can’t see the bigger picture. I thank you for being a supportive environment, one in which I could ask for insight, perspective and a clearer picture. BTW: Product is NOT targeted towards visually impaired customers.


Jonathan Tahiry
I’d love to use still use the product if I see it fit and if not I’d love to share it with others! Sympathy is needed in our society.
Jessica Ramirez
@jonathantahiry thank you for your conversation. I agree and feel the same way. I think my main concern is whether to bring up the disability if it has nothing to do with the product. Is it then a cheap gimmick? Or do you work with what you have?