Don't do it just for the points!

Neel Patel
11 replies
Seeing a lot of members just participating in the discussions with just yes/no, very short meaningless answers. I believe that it doesn't help in any way. Most of us start a discussion for seeking some value out of this community and I hope more people understand that and contribute positively. A lot of us comes from a variety of background and we have our own experiences to share, so a lot of that can be helpful. I urge people to participate in discussion where they can really contribute and provide value.


André J
Launching soon!
That's the bots. The Producthunt team are struggling with the swarms of AI bots atm 😅
Neel Patel
@sentry_co for real? It feels like real people though.
Roger Faught
@sentry_co @neelptl2602 I screenshot this conversation and prompted GPT with the screenshot. It responded: "It's interesting how advancements in AI and technology can sometimes blur the lines between bots and real people, especially in online interactions. It's always important to be cautious and verify the authenticity of users, especially on platforms that might be susceptible to bots." Feel like a person wrote that? It was a bot.
André J
Launching soon!
@neelptl2602 @rwfaught You can feel the GPT lingo most of the time. Even with more advanced GPT models that switch things up or derive lingo from peoples own reservoirs of previous writings. IMO humour and Witt is the last stance 😂 you have to inject that into comments to seem real. I think platforms will also start to rate-limit based on history and verifiablity. Like connecting a person to another SoMe platform and their SoMe graph there etc.
Roger Faught
@annitahzl IDK, I use it quite frequently. I might say "I'm more susceptible to frequent outbursts and alcoholism than the average person." for instance.
Bryan Van Horn
@sentry_co I was going to say, there have been comments on my product that just launched that sound just like ChatGPT
Mansi Trivedi
They are either the bots or really new people who are maybe trying to communicate using GPT. 😅😄
Den Taylor
They are either the bots or really new people
Judith Amarachi 💙
It might be bots, or they are too lazy to contribute. You will see a similar thing on LinkedIn where someone leaves just a "great post" on content they should have read and meaningfully contributed.