Do you value competitor insights for your business strategy?

Harshu thaheed
1 reply
Hello everyone! I'm curious if any of you have had the opportunity to utilize a specific tool that provides valuable insights into your competitors? If so, I'd love to hear about your experiences and whether you found it to be a worthwhile endeavor.


Natella Nuralieva
Great question! Joining to see references as well. There are multiple sources for inspiration from competitor analysis, including from competitors social media monitoring, competitor technical features, pricing changes monitoring, etc.. In my experience of market researcher there are three most valuable insights sources: 1) where do your competitors promote the product (you can search that on similarweb or alternative), 2) feature analysis (what they do that you don't), 3) pricing (model and plans). I couldn't find good apps for the latest two, would love to hear recommendations. We are building such functionality ourselves and would love to hear what are user cases with existing solutions.