Do you use Reddit? Are you using it for individual purposes or for your company?

Buse Başar
8 replies
If you want to follow my personal account


Rohan Pradhan
I have been using Reddit regularly for the last couple of years. I feel it is a better source of memes and also enriched with information if you ask the right questions. Also, I have noticed that a lot of people are repurposing content from Reddit on Reels with background and voice-overs.
Everest Ng
I used it a couple of years ago and quit. Think about picking it up again for when I start a company. Don't plan on using it personally because Reddit seems like a lot of veterans with good & rich experience but there's no way for me (or too difficult) to fact-check what they say. Would love to learn how other filters for professional purposes. For leisure I guess no issue it's pretty entertaining.
Doğukan Tezcan
I was using it for personal until the last few days, but now I have a Reddit account to use for business as well.
Andrew Howe
I've used Reddit to gather feedback on products and services and improve our offerings.
Matthew Tooth
I've found Reddit to be a valuable resource for networking and learning from industry peers.
I use Reddit to connect with potential customers and engage in meaningful conversations.
Zane Maum
I'm an active Redditor and use it to stay informed on a variety of topics.
Umar Saleem
I use Reddit to research industry trends and engage with the community as part of my job