Do you take your holidays seriously?

Annie Chopra
10 replies
I am of the belief that if you work hard, you ought to holiday hard too. I think it's definitely something I learned while working with European companies where holidays are taken much more seriously than anywhere else I have seen. I also feel so much more motivated to get into work zone after a holiday! Even the weekend! Ps- I am launching a very simple productivity tool soon, check it out! - So, do you take your holidays seriously?


Raihan Shezan
Absolutely! Embracing quality holidays fuels productivity. Your perspective resonates, and I'm eager to explore your productivity tool. Cheers to a good work-life balance! 🌟
Annie Chopra
@raihanshezan Hey Raihan! So glad you can resonate and thank you!! I am excited about my solo launch and am grateful for the support and kind words!
Barry Zheng
Absolutely, holidays are a crucial part of my schedule. They offer a much-needed break and a chance to refresh. It's interesting to see how different cultures prioritize holidays. In my experience, those breaks have led to some of my best ideas and decisions. Curious to see how your productivity tool helps in planning for effective work and refreshing breaks.
Annie Chopra
@barryzheng568 hey Barry! I completely relate. My holiday breaks make me take better decisions ! My tool just launched do check it out and leave a comment with your thoughts ☺️
andi wir
Holidays are for taking rest and fun.
Igor Lysenko
Yes, quality rest should be active, which takes all thoughts off work.
Mansi Trivedi
I like the extra sleep other than that it's all the same
Thomas Yanik
Absolutely, taking holidays is crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. It's refreshing to see the positive impact it has on motivation and productivity. I'll check outThe Good Life Planner" on Product Hunt, and best of luck with your launch! πŸŒŸ