Do you still email files and links to yourself?

johnny makes ⚡️
15 replies
Want to settle a debate: is this still a common thing to do? If not, how do you capture things to look at later? (Currently building something related)


Matt Harbord
More likely to slack them to myself; often wish WhatApp had a similar personal inbox.
Matt Harbord
@johnny_makes yep, and crucially (for me) it has an easily scrollable /searchable history
johnny makes ⚡️
@matt_harbord ah interesting, so DM'ing yourself in one specific workspace?
Matt Harbord
@johnny_makes well, in the relevant one if it's work / side project related. And in whatever one I'm using the most if it's unrelated / personal
johnny makes ⚡️
@matt_harbord that's cool, so basically each is kind of a "note-to-self" within a "folder" which is the project itself
Karan Mehta
i usually text myself and end up forgetting abt it … i’ve used notion in the past. will occasionally email myself links and read the next day
Ashrey Ignise R
😂 is there a better way?
johnny makes ⚡️
@aignise haha I certainly think so (currently working on this as a piece of my current product)
Ashrey Ignise R
@johnny_makes looking forward to seeing it Johnny!
Marian Lucas
Lately been relying a lot of of the eco-system between imessage and apple notes. Also this one is very interesting
johnny makes ⚡️
@produkhelt curious about the link between imessage and apple notes! how does that work? also tabstolinks looks very interesting, thanks for sharing!
Marian Lucas
@johnny_makes write me a message on Twitter @produkhelt - happy to chat any time
Godstime Nwabue
I do this sometimes if I am on my laptop and would send it to my mail to later view on phone. There might be other reasons people stills send email files and links to themselves. Let's say those files are important and getting this later in another device woud require some flexbility. It still boils down to what purpose you want to use it for.
Yes, I still do it hehe
Vlad Zivkovic
Yes, especially important documents. WhatsApp or Slack is a fastest way to save something but when it comes to important files definitely email.