Do you prefer to work when you feel like it, or on a set schedule?

Mark Howland
11 replies
I allow my team at Tidby to work when they want. Could we have made released sooner on a schedule, sure. The thing we're learning more is, we're happier this way, we still produce quality results, and we're not stressed at all. We enjoy working together vs feeling like we have to work together. When we're a little bigger and have more business needs, sure time management will be more frequent, but the philosophy is mental health comes first. For example, I feel when there is this "job" feeling when im on a schedule, and I don't feel my best work comes to play. When I feel like I have no schedule but know how important the project is, I still work several hours a day but when I want, how I want.


Shivangi Awasthi
Set Schedule. Everything works by discipline. Set proper breaks and take care of yourself physically and mentally. :)
Martin White
I'm always on, no schedule needed. But for startup folks, it varies. Some swear by the 9-to-5, others are night owls.
I'm a creative person, so I need some space to explore my ideas. But I also need deadlines to keep me motivated.
Artyom Sviridov
I'd rather set a schedule. It's the best option for me personally to have a time fully dedicated to my job and time fully dedicated to myself.
Prem Saini
Balancing creative freedom with deadlines is an art. Deadlines can channel creativity, providing structure without stifling innovation
Igor Lysenko
Since I work for myself, I have my own personal schedule for when I want to work. I am a workaholic so I always work.
Sara jalildokhti
performence is what i am fully focused on . personally i am comfrotable with both situations. from time to time i rather change my working hours to challegenge myself.
Ilyes Ouhadj
Basing it on "How you feel" is the worst mistake you can do! be disciplined.
I have a schedule, but when I get inspired, I get work done faster and the results come out better.