Do you have any questions related to startup and career? Do Ask.

Abhijeet Narvekar
0 replies
Hello, I am Abhi. I started my first company in 2010. It is still running and although cant put out exact numbers, we are trying to scale that one to 10 million and above. Not there to 10M yet, but our growth for last 2 years is around 30%. The above is just to build some credibility. Second company is a product company. Launching it here soon. First company we do a lot of Coaching. And second company, we productized career paths combined with coaching. Hopefully, I will be able to answer some of your questions related to startup or careers. Our first company was more of a service company. Second is a SAAS based offering but it is free for now. If I have experience in what you ask, I will provide my thoughts, which could help you or maybe it might be a bit too specific to our business. But I will try my best. Hoping to interact and help.
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