Do you guys notice that products which helps developers, engineers are mostly getting more upvotes?

Zain Sheikh
4 replies
Maybe I am wrong but this is my observation that products that help IT engineers in coding, QA, etc are getting more upvotes because the PH community is mostly founders with tech backgrounds.


Alexander Dolton
Maybe because these are developed by a large team.
Zain Sheikh
@alexander_dolton Maybe but I don't think that's the only reason they tend to receive more upvotes on Product Hunt. One possibility is that the Product Hunt community is largely made up of developers and engineers who are interested in tools that can help them be more productive and efficient in their work. Additionally, developer tools often have a more targeted audience and can solve specific pain points, making them more appealing to those in the industry. What do you think?
Interesting observation, i never payed attention to it but now that you said this i do agree with you.
Gabriel Romero
I hadn't seen that but it is interesting! Perhaps many developers are here trying to find tools made for them. A main problem with many products is that they market themselves "for developers" but quickly stray away in order to capture a larger market share e.g. no-code. Devs are continuously looking for new tools, are curious in nature and ultimately open to trying new tools!