Do you get irritated ?

Jitesh ⭕
9 replies
I got many requests to support the same product, which I already supported. Maybe it's time to create a new product that lets teams see who's already supported, so they don't keep requesting the same people.


Liu Tim
The document for frequently asked questions maybe you need.
Gianluca Cinellu
Engagement will tell if the idea is viable but I especially appreciate the mindset of identifying the problem and coming with a novel solution
Safina Seth
I totally understand your frustration! It sounds like a common issue, and your idea of creating a tool to track who has already supported a product is brilliant. That could definitely streamline the process and save everyone time. If you need any help brainstorming or developing the concept, feel free to reach out. Innovation often comes from addressing real challenges. Good luck with your potential new project!
may be it's just matter of time ?
Igor Lysenko
No, I sometimes feel tired but I don't get annoyed with anyone.
Sudakshina Sridharan
I do, but I try to cut the chaos and move on.