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  • Do you add video to your marketing mix when planning your product launch strategy?

    Laura Chaves
    31 replies
    Take Superhuman, for example. On the day of their press conference, they shared a 2-minute demo video on Twitter that received an amazing response. The tweet led to a blog post, which ended with a call to action to encourage users to sign up for their beta. Together, these drove a massive number of signups for Superhuman. As they rolled out gradually, Superhuman cleverly used a training video to guide users on how to get the most out of their feature. The results were worth it. Superhuman AI outperformed all their previous launches. Would love to hear your thoughts on video.. do you use video in your product marketing? Is it a must-have for you? What's your decision process?


    Even though there is no better way of showing a product than a video (besides actually using the product, but in this context, that is not possible), not everyone can afford a video. But yeah, video can be a gamechanger.
    Murat ⚡
    @denis_tl Forget about the production team. Pick up your phone, hit the record button. That's your product. If you are not excited talking about what you are building, there are other questions to ask. ps: a friendly advice from an introvert.
    @denis_tl yeah professional videos can get expensive but you can generally knock something up yourself. And I agree there is no better of showing a product than on video
    @getsharp_au I don't get you. Help me understand, what the hell are you talking about?
    Jonathan Tahiry
    @denis_tl They quite expensive indeed! That’s why I decided to learn and do it myself
    Igor Lysenko
    Yes, I always make a special video about the product at launch. If there is a video in the launch, then the chances of becoming a product of the day increase by a small percentage.
    Alvaro Villalba Perez
    Videos are the best piece of marketing IMHO -- but often in earlier stages you don't have many resources or knowledge to execute it right
    Jonathan Tahiry
    Yes I do! Social media algorithms tend to favor them more that image and text based posting. Moreover, they would also get users’ attention better. That’s why I would have video in my marketing! Btw, I’d love to have your thoughts on our teaser here : https://x.com/jonathantahiry/sta...
    @jonathantahiry I will go to see ur teaser and support
    Jonathan Tahiry
    @ipaparazzo_app Thanks you so much! Let me know if you need any support as well!
    Denis Banda
    Document Automation Hub by airSlate
    Document Automation Hub by airSlate
    Yes, we did. We have developed a video specifically for our product's launch on product Hunt. And I strongly believe that it helps better understand the product.
    @denis_airslate I did the same. Not professional but good enough to display!
    Jay • www.sectar.co
    Videos are one of the best ways to convey a great story at scale. One-to-one conversations come a close second, but not scalable. So, yes. We would definitely add a video to the launch strategy.
    @jay_sahitya yeah totally, with one to one you can answer any pain points they have directly
    Markk Tong
    AI Desk by Collov AI
    AI Desk by Collov AI
    I believe that incorporating video into a product launch strategy can be extremely effective. It allows for a more engaging and dynamic way to showcase the product's features and benefits, and can help create a stronger emotional connection with potential users.
    Sanyan Sharma
    Yes, It's good to do!
    Shivam Aggarwal
    Videos are the best piece for marketing
    Iqra Naseem
    Yes, We add Video. I think that this is necessary at the time because video is a very easy way to deliver our msg to our customers and users.
    Hay Laura, Yes i think videos are most engaging
    Thomas Hallaran
    Absolutely! But don't overpay for video production
    Yes! We are launching on Monday (yes, in 52 hours!), and I'm working on an 85-90-second promo video. I plan to work on how-to videos to educate our users on various features.
    Hey Laura. Thanks for sharing the insights about Superhuman's successful use of video in their product marketing. Video definitely seems like a powerful tool to engage and educate users effectively. We're considering incorporating more video into our product marketing mix as well.
    Laura Chaves
    @priyankamandal great to hear! I def love it when products have a short, engaging video that showcases the main value props. Here are some examples of tech and saas brands if you are ever in need of some inspo: https://vidico.notion.site/Best-...
    Nishkarsh Srivastava
    I think video is becoming a very important component for every single product -- with attention spans reducing videos are a great way to keep visitors engaged and quickly explain your concept
    Nishkarsh Srivastava
    btw we just launched (without video) and would love your support :)
    Murat ⚡
    Absolutely, YES! Do: Evoke Feelings 1. Show your face and talk to your Number One Customer. 2. Say why your care about the problem, but skip the long background history. 3. 60 or less, fast-paced, well-structured, well-scripted. Don't: Be Boring 1. Microsoft / corporate looking voice over and feel lacking soul. 2. Hi Guys... 3. Long winded explanations (as if anyone has the attention span)
    Andre Yang
    Yes, I always make a special video about the product at launch. If there is a video in the launch, then the chances of becoming a product of the day increase by a small percentage.
    K John
    Even though there is no better way of showing a product than a video (besides actually using the product, but in this context, that is not possible), not everyone can afford a video.