Developers assemble!

Prakhar Tandon
17 replies
What's your go-to tech stack for building something? I'll go first, since I mostly work with web related stuff, for me it's TypeScript for sure. For any complex application, Next.js with MongoDB as database. If it's just a landing page, I'll go with something super-lite like Vanilla TS with some tool like HTMX or VanJS.


Andreas Møller
Before I started toddle It was NextJS + postgres. I would never recommend a NoSQL database unless you have a very specific need. Now my go to is toddle + supabase.
@andreas_toddle @andreas_toddle I agree with the nosql part, relational databases are acid compliant and can solve 90% of all the database needs. You can't maitain integrity of data in mongodb, and I believe you can't have relations between two documents using a foreign key (do they even exist in mongodb?). I tend to stick with traditional and mature technologies. I'd use mongodb in very specific places like job queues or session management, although I'd prefer redis for that.
HTML & Microsoft paint. Just kidding, I’m not a developer. But don’t want to feel left out of this conversation 😂
Markk Tong
Launching soon!
Prakhar, I'm all about the MERN stack for full-fledged apps—it's such a seamless experience for developing scalable web applications. For static sites, though, give me Jekyll or Hugo with a sprinkle of TailwindCSS for that quick, stylish deployment.
Vincent Xu
Launching soon!
Prakhar, your stack is pretty solid for modern web development—TypeScript really does bring that extra layer of reliability. For my projects, I gravitate towards React with a Node.js backend, and Postgres for the database when I need something robust.
Prakhar Tandon
@cen_xu Yup, I'm looking to build something with Next + postgre actually. Haven't worked much with it.
By imparting your expertise, you can assist others in acquiring new abilities. This could entail mentoring young coders, creating tutorials, or doing seminars.
Prakhar Tandon
@daniel_henry4 I guess I'm no expert, I'm still learning stuff. But I do try to share knowledge via posts and articles on platforms like
Prakhar, I gravitate towards a MERN stack for full-fledged apps—React for the frontend, Node.js and Express for the backend, coupled with MongoDB. For static sites, I keep it simple with Hugo or Jekyll for a quick and performant setup.
I belong to the PHP community, using Laravel for back-end development and Vue with Tailwind for front-end — a VILT enthusiast.