Customer feedback is essential for building great products.

Tanay from Stacks
3 replies
After about 1500 users (300 from PH) and more than 100K links that are now saved on Stacks, we are looking to make Stacks better. Stacks is a search engine for your bookmarks. We have recently started using to collect feedback and feature requests. We want to gather feedback and feature requests for Stacks. If you have not tried Stacks and are curious, please look at our PH listing: If you want to signup and give it a shot: We are integrating with Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram to allow your Stacks search engine to be even better and more useful.


Karsten Richter
I love how you involve your users, @tanaylakhani. I just left a feature request though I have to admit I'm not a heavy user yet. However, I love the idea of Stack as I'm running four browser instances in parallel, each with many tabs opened. (My nightmare is to get them closed without being able to recover them ...)
Developer X
Congratulations @tanaylakhani Waiting for more good news.