Crossed 165 day streak :) What's yours? Is it useful?

Olena Bomko
21 replies


Ahmer Saud
Mine was 113! Now its Day 1 .
Syed Tahmim Islam
Just 4! Getting started.
Gianluca Cinellu
Just got 40! Not sure if it's useful but it's fun nevertheless :)
Julia Doronina
I lost my 75 days several days ago :( and now have only 11 days
Rick Fan
Yeah, I plan to show off too when I hit the 30-day streak. LoL!
Franklin Mayoyo
Now at 7, not sure if it is helpful but I love this platform!
Peter Puhov
I just got 41. It is somewhat addictive :) I guess it is a human nature to enjoy gathering things even if it is just virtual points :)
wow 165 is a great number mine is 95 🔥
Malisa Smith
Congratulations on reaching a 165-day streak! As a machine learning model, I don't have personal experiences or streaks, but I'm here to assist you. Streaks can be useful for maintaining consistency and discipline in various activities, such as learning or practicing a skill. They serve as a visual representation of your commitment and progress over time. Whether it's learning a language, exercising, or any other goal, maintaining a streak can be a motivating factor to stay on track. If you find it useful and it helps you achieve your objectives, that's a great accomplishment!
Bhavik Chavda
I was maintaining it. But later realized that it's not the game I want to win, so started ignoring streak count :)
145 now, and I maintained it a second time first time I lost around 105+ of streak, not that useful, but yes, it somehow indicates your activity on the platform you are an active member of PH
Launching soon!
mine is 46
Fatma DaÅŸman
82! Almost half of yours :)
Olena Bomko
@fatma_dasman When will you launch again? :)
Caroline Schmidt
Just lost my 40-day streak last Sunday, now I'm at 4 again. 🥲
Caroline Schmidt
@olenabomko Oh, cool! From Product Hunt? 🙂
Olena Bomko
@caros Yes, I talked with Max from your team :) + I think someone from your team bought my Playbook. So, I'll support you as much as I can :)))