Community moderators!?

Mansi Trivedi
6 replies
Hey peeps! To all the community moderators out there, any tips and tricks do you guys follow to keep it all together, specially when you have to manage so many members together?


Kyle DeSana
Well... a bit early, but that's why we're creating ! An all encompassing community management platform to save CM's time/money. I'd be happy to talk more if you're interested. It's a bit too early to start planning our launch but hoping to get there ASAP
Kyle DeSana
@neelptl2602 digitally or physically? We recently joined a few discord, twitter, and reddit groups and that appears to be a great choice for us.
Neel Patel
@kyle_desana where do you think your target audience hangout?
Mansi Trivedi
@kyle_desana Wow that's awesome! I'd definitely love to try it out once you guys are live!
Alexandr Builov
Hey there, Mansi! It sure can get hectic managing a large community, right? 🙃 I suggest considering platforms like - it streamlines community management, saving you time and funds. Interesting, huh? 💡 Feel free to chat more about this. Remember, planning ahead may be beneficial later. Hope this helps! Let's keep the conversation going. Upvotes, anyone? 👍
Kyle DeSana
@builov84 thanks for the shoutout! Just followed