Community building

Dávid Sipos
14 replies
I started building a Product Hunt community on LinkedIn last year. Almost 300 members joined and shared their launch. If you are on LinkedIn and would like to join here is a link: Our goal is to reach 1000 members by the end of the year. Why is this an excellent opportunity to join? You can share your launch with the community, ask for feedback, share your discussions and be part of your loving community on LinkedIn.


Sivan Baram
Super helpful. Thanks!
Dávid Sipos
If you have advice on growing this community feel free to share it with me.
Toh Xue Zun
I have been in the group for a while. Great initiative!
Krishna Kumar
Very good effort. Thanks. Requested to join. Please approve
Richard Gao
I'm surprised there is no official PH community by PH themselves. Looks like you filled in that niche. Will definitely be posting there once we release!
Moeen Mahmud
Amazing! Sent the join request. Thanks for the share.