ChatGPT or Bard?

Frank Sondors
29 replies
Which one is your favorite chat experience and why?


Ishwar Pawar
ChatGPT! Haven't had the luxury of trying Bard. It is blocked in EU
Antoni Kozelski
ChatGPT or Bard? Both ChatGPT and Bard help with communication, but I choose ChatGPT. It's reliable and versatile, and it's great at understanding and generating responses on a wide variety of topics.
Anna Starodub
I've tried Bard just few day ago, and switched to it from chatGPT completely
Frank Sondors
@anna_starodub1 but why? what were the main reasons?
Roy Carter
Ah, the age-old argument between Bard and ChatGPT. Although I personally prefer ChatGPT, Bard's own take on conversational AI is also quite sophisticated. There is no denying either has advantages.
Villan Johain
i think chatgpt is greater option because i have website about Spandoek Abraham and i write all the content from chatgpt i write amazing and content surprised me i am impressed by chat gpt
Ryan Tando -
At this stage, I don't think this is a fair question haha ChatGPT
kayla davis
Bard because chatgpt somewhat gives same output and it really messed up my website's blog which you can check: Parkinson’s and Dry mouth
Rashika Ahuja
Bard has improved a lot. You can also check Claude.
Kartik Arora
Claude is turning out to be pretty good coz of the context tokens.