Changes you expect in the educational sector in the coming years.

Zoe Allen
2 replies


This is a huge topic for me, being in academia, there are so many positives and negatives related to AI, remote work, quantum computing, device integration, and other emerging technologies. I think It's so hard to say what exactly will happen, but I feel that things will get very streamlined in the next couple years, especially in the K-12 areas of education. That isn't a bad thing, but many will see it as technology taking human jobs. In higher education and research there will be a big call for integrity checks and ensuring original work is truly original. But those in higher ed and research will see enormous leaps and bounds in fields like ancient history, archeology, linguistics, physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology and countless others. Areas where even our best super computers just could not come up with enough computational power to compare billions of ancient symbols to examine a new ancient language, or map millions of genome samples for comparison, or calculate astrophysical frameworks for gravity or blackhole energies; these will all become simple problems for a quantum computer with an AI neural/reservoir network core operating system. TL;DR - The changes will be profound, and though we don't like change as humans, as we find comfort in repetition and professional assurance, I think in the end it will benefit us. The toothpaste can't be put back in the tube, we either brush our teeth, or watch them fall out over time.
abolishment of the current vague curriculum taught in the schools and universities 😅, the education industry has already changed. Education is going to be more open and for everyone. The Schools and the Universities are the greatest Scam right now 😅