Celebrating Today's Makers

Vlad Burca
3 replies
Hey there fellow Product Hunt enthusiasts! πŸš€ Today's a big day for all of us who've taken the leap to launch. First and foremost, a massive shout-out to all makers who launched today. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ It's not just about the end product; it's the passion, dedication, sleepless nights, and yes, the continuous feedback loop that got us here. I genuinely believe that, especially in the early stages, feedback is the lifeblood of any product. As makers, we pour our hearts into building something, and feedback (both praise and constructive criticism) becomes our compass, guiding our next steps. For my team at Socyal and I'm sure for many of you, feedback isn't just about making iterations or adjustments. It's a conversation with our community. It's understanding their needs, their wishes, their pain points. Every piece of feedback is a step closer to realizing a shared vision. So, let's do something cool today. If you've checked out any product launched today (including ours πŸ˜‰), drop some feedback. It can be anythingβ€”a feature you loved, something you'd wish was different, or even a new idea that popped into your head. Let's uplift each other, embrace feedback, and keep building amazing things. To all the makers out there, remember that every word of feedback, every user, every upvote is a testament to your hard work. Keep pushing forward! πŸš€πŸ’™ P.S.: If you haven't yet, do check out Socyal - https://www.producthunt.com/post.... We'd love to hear your thoughts! ----- MASSIVE SHOUT OUT Softr - https://www.producthunt.com/post... πŸ‘ @mariam_hakobyan5 πŸ‘ @hashamwaleed πŸ‘ @mariam_ispiryan πŸ‘ @sisalleses πŸ‘ @emil_saghatelyan πŸ‘ @iker_fernandez πŸ‘ @iamaustinyang πŸ‘ @pfordmedia πŸ‘ @boris_adamyan πŸ‘ @davo301 πŸ‘ @geda_stava πŸ‘ @arturmkrtchyan πŸ‘ @samvel_siradeghyanπŸ‘ @aren_maghakyan1 πŸ‘ @andrefrcandido πŸ‘ @tommaso_di_stefano2 πŸ‘ @jtutaj πŸ‘ @levon_begoyan1 πŸ‘ @astghik_yedigaryan ----- AStime - https://www.producthunt.com/post... πŸ‘ @dmitry_grinchenko πŸ‘ @alyona_kurchenko πŸ‘ @kamil_abbaszade πŸ‘ @alyona_kurc πŸ‘ @andriy_petrenko πŸ‘ @ivan_morozov3 πŸ‘ @julia_girko πŸ‘ @andriy_petrenko1 πŸ‘ @karina_yurchenko ----- Appwrite Cloud Beta - https://www.producthunt.com/post... πŸ‘ @eldad_fux πŸ‘ @tessa_mero πŸ‘ @damodar_lohani πŸ‘ @bradley_schofield πŸ‘ @jake_barnby1 πŸ‘ @sara_k1 πŸ‘ @meldiron πŸ‘ @aditya_oberai πŸ‘ @wesscope πŸ‘ @khushbooverma πŸ‘ @may_ender πŸ‘ @eladsc πŸ‘ @vincent_ge πŸ‘ @haimantika_mitra πŸ‘ @chen_parnasa πŸ‘ @shimonewman πŸ‘ @fogelito πŸ‘ @armannik πŸ‘ @carlaa πŸ‘ @emma_carpagnano πŸ‘ @_dylan_graham_ πŸ‘ @stnguyen90 πŸ‘ @jade_baudchon πŸ‘ @thomglopes πŸ‘ @holly_barclay πŸ‘ @caioarias πŸ‘ @laura_du_ry1 πŸ‘ @lukebsilver πŸ‘ @fanatic75 πŸ‘ @sumeyra_buyuk πŸ‘ @dennisivy11 ----- Komiser - https://www.producthunt.com/post... πŸ‘ @mlabouardy πŸ‘ @greghovanesyan πŸ‘ @cyrilallm πŸ‘ @traxmaxx πŸ‘ @gregoire_hamille πŸ‘ @yoanalmeida πŸ‘ @jakepage πŸ‘ @alliemendes πŸ‘ @pola_vl πŸ‘ @victorgaard ----- Streamlabs Podcast Editor - https://www.producthunt.com/post... πŸ‘ @michael_sieb πŸ‘ @jan_kalthofer πŸ‘ @erikeimterbaumer πŸ‘ @marvinoffers πŸ‘ @morganbiemiller πŸ‘ @osamakhn πŸ‘ @ali_moiz πŸ‘ @ashrayurs πŸ‘ @christopher_milbourne πŸ‘ @elliottjperry πŸ‘ @ethereum_mayonnaise πŸ‘ @oatmeeel πŸ‘ @csimmsies πŸ‘ @missblackkbear πŸ‘ @omarangelino2 πŸ‘ @salmanalee πŸ‘ @george_kourdin πŸ‘ @slykuiper ----- Expresso - https://www.producthunt.com/post... πŸ‘ @kuhu_singh3 ----- DeepMate - https://www.producthunt.com/post... πŸ‘ @vitali_krupenka πŸ‘ @dpryshchep ----- AI-Hypnosis Generator - https://www.producthunt.com/post... πŸ‘ @michael1408 ----- LastBasic 2.0 - https://www.producthunt.com/post... πŸ‘ @vizca75 πŸ‘ @alejandro_turell_yarur πŸ‘ @luiso πŸ‘ @itaibo ----- Lettre.app - https://www.producthunt.com/post... πŸ‘ @atik_hossain πŸ‘ @shaer_reaz πŸ‘ @craniax πŸ‘ @mashfique πŸ‘ @iftikhar_mahmud ----- SingleAPI - https://www.producthunt.com/post... πŸ‘ @semanser ----- Marauder - https://www.producthunt.com/post... πŸ‘ @herkdaherk πŸ‘ @guard_if ----- Pulumi ESC - https://www.producthunt.com/post... πŸ‘ @lukehoban πŸ‘ @komalali πŸ‘ @pgavlin πŸ‘ @jonelle_boyd πŸ‘ @evan_boyle1 πŸ‘ @lblackstone πŸ‘ @funcofjoe ----- AgentLabs - https://www.producthunt.com/post... πŸ‘ @aurelien_brabant πŸ‘ @kevin_piacentini ----- Amplitude Plus - https://www.producthunt.com/post... πŸ‘ @spenserskates πŸ‘ @justinjbauer πŸ‘ @drigotti πŸ‘ @johncutlefish ----- FindOurView - https://www.producthunt.com/post... πŸ‘ @george_whitfield πŸ‘ @parth_agrawal2 πŸ‘ @nitromav πŸ‘ @lucas_furtado1 πŸ‘ @mark_pothen πŸ‘ @joshua_harding πŸ‘ @rita_ma ----- Mastro - https://www.producthunt.com/post... πŸ‘ @johan_v1


thank you for the shoutout!