Caffeine companion - coffee, tea or something stronger? What fuels your launch prep? ☕🍵

Aman Wen
16 replies
We all have that go-to drink that gets us through the grind. What’s in your cup as you tick off the tasks to launching?


Coffeee! Always!😍
Aman Wen
Launching soon!
@heyalbert Coffee lovers unite! 😍 There's nothing quite like that rich, enveloping aroma to wake up the senses. ☕✨
Adrian Böker
green powder tea. Commonly called Matcha :) It keeps me focused all day.
Aman Wen
Launching soon!
@adrian_boker Yea! Matcha's a secret to that Zen focus👌 And hey saw you’re launching soon and hit 'Notify Me.' Excited to see it! For a sneak peek at ours, you can also check out Checky Bear, a website monitoring too we're launching soon:
Adrian Böker
@aman_wen great, cheky-bear sounds super interesting. It's an exciting time. All the best for your product launch!
Julia Engelsmann
For me it's either tea or Matcha!
Aman Wen
Launching soon!
@julia_engelsmann Can't go wrong with either – Matcha's my jam for that focused energy, but a good tea's like a warm hug. ☕🍃
Otis Wu
For me, it's all about a strong, freshly brewed cup of coffee to kickstart the day and fuel my launch prep. There's something about the aroma and the first sip that really sets the tone for productivity! ☕
Aman Wen
Launching soon!
@otis_wu Totally with you on that! A bold, freshly made coffee in the morning is the perfect sidekick for launch prep. It's not just the boost, but that first sip is like a cue for my brain to get into gear. It's magic in a cup! ☕✨
Absolutely, Aman! For me, it's a strong cup of coffee to kickstart the morning and green tea in the afternoon for a sustained focus during launch prep. ☕🍵
Aman Wen
Launching soon!
Couldn't agree more! The morning coffee jolt followed by the calming presence of green tea in the afternoon sets you up for success. Keep that energy flowing! ☕🍵🚀
I'm a strong-ginger-milk-tea person :D Any time of the day.